Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal

We offer affordable, safe and effective laser hair removal through the most effective laser device using two wavelengths (755 nm Alexandrite & 1064 nm ND-YAG) suitable for different skin types.

Please click on the following link for more information: Laser Hair Removal_Infographic

Laser and light therapy are used to target the hair follicle. Laser energy is absorbed by the hair. This, in turn, produces thermal energy (heat) that causes the hair follicle stem cells to be destroyed. There is a cryogenic cooling system which works simultaneously on the surface to protect the surface of the skin form heat, so the patient is comfortable.

With each treatment there is decreased in hair density. Multiple treatments are required to achieve the desired result. At the end, you are left with hair-free skin and a better complexion. 

Q & A 

What can I expect during laser treatment?

A handpiece delivers a laser pulse into the targeted areas on your skin, and a controlled amount of therapeutic heat safely and effectively damages the hair follicles. Treatments take anywhere from a few minutes to about an hour, depending on the area being treated.

Do Hair Removal treatments hurt?

Our laser system features a patented Dynamic Cooling Device (DCD), which minimizes discomfort by releasing a quick burst of liquid cryogen before and after each laser pulse. This cryogen quickly evaporates, cooling the outer layers of the skin. Some patients report a sensation similar to being snapped with a rubber band, but that generally resolves quickly with DCD cooling. A topical anesthetic or ice pack may be used prior to treatment.

Is Hair Removal safe for darker skin tones?

There’s a safe, effective and comfortable treatment option for every skin tone. During the consultation with our dermatologist, we will consider the best treatment for your individual needs.

How many treatment sessions will I need?

You’ll need more than one treatment ( on average 4- 5) to get optimal results. That’s because hair grows in stages. The hairs on your body are not always at the same stage, so you’ll need to undergo several treatments, an average of 8 weeks apart, to catch all of them in the growth stage.

For an assessment by our dermatologist, please use the following contact form or call.

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